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Happy Birthday Kathy Eldon


Kathy Eldon is a journalist, author, producer, activist and mother to two amazing children, Dan and Amy Eldon-Turteltaub. Her life changed drastically in July of 1993, when her son Dan Eldon, a Reuters photographer was stoned to death in Somalia, Africa by an angry mob reacting to the UN bombing raid on the suspected headquarters of warlord General Aideed. He was 22. Kathy's journey has been shaped by this tragedy and transformed by what she has created in its aftermath. She has turned a personal tragedy that would have broken most people into a life-inspiring lesson for humanity. Kathy and her remarkable daughter Amy, are models of compassion, hope and forgiveness in a world too often filled with hatred, revenge and bitterness.

Inspired by Dan’s life, Kathy and Amy started Creative Visions Foundation to ignite the spark within all of us to make a positive difference. Creative Visions supports Creative Activists, who seek innovative solutions to local and global issues and use Arts and Media to ignite positive change.

Kathy Eldon was recently honored at the MY HERO Art of Healing Gala along with Laguna residents, and IMAX film producers, Greg and Barbara MacGillivray and Ron Kovic, artist, peace advocate and author of three books, including the New York Times bestseller Born on the Fourth of July.

Said Kathy at the Gala: “I think about the stories that Jeanne is sharing through MY HERO, the incredible stories and the films that have been made about tragedy, about war, and about things that should never happen. They create a story and get it out there in the hopes that somebody will transform that story into action. That’s what we call creative activism at Creative Visions. She has been doing this for so many years. So many stories.”

Find out more about Kathy in our showcase which includes our 'Women Transforming Media' interview and Eva Haller's salon with Kathy:

Each year Kathy Eldon and Creative Visions presents the Dan Eldon Activist Award at the My Hero Film Festival. Click on the banner below to find out more:


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